We are invested in your success

Saturn Bioponics uses cutting edge science and technology to deliver the lowest cost, most sustainable crop production solution with industry leading support.

Together we will specify and design an optimised solution to increase your yield, quality and profitability


We supply easy to install, self-build systems for your greenhouse or complete turn-key projects for greenfield sites

After construction we continue to work hand-in-hand with the grower to optimise crop performance on an ongoing basis

Are you a Grower?

You have a commercial farm and are looking for ways to scale up your operation with better produce at a lower cost.

Are you a Grocer?

You are a business selling fruit and vegetables and want to secure consitent, high-quality and competitively priced supply.

Why Saturn Bioponics

Saturn Bioponics is a world - leading cultivation science & technology company.

We provide fast payback systems and strategies for large scale operations.

We’ve been delivering holistic solutions across hardware (equipment) and science (know-how and cultivation inputs) into clients from SME farmers to Blue Chip corporations since 2016. We’ve been doing ground-breaking R&D since 2011.


A holistic crop production solution combining

Growing systems + Know How + Varieties


Adaptable, high density, closed-loop growing systems deliver maximum cost effectiveness in hardware and ongoing operation

Our systems are an appropriate hardware platform for the delivery of advanced hydroponic science

This science is bespoke to each individual variety within it’s specific growing conditions according to the desired quality traits


Inexpensive to install and cost-effective to operate, meaning payback is fast

Able to produce high quality product, consistently and sustainably, making competition difficult

Adaptable to different types and crops, to move with the end-customer and market needs, making it viable long term

Key Components of
Saturn’s Technology

Low cost sustainable cultivation solution

Saturn Grower

The result of 10 years of research, development and commercial trials, it was developed as an Appropriate Technology for sustainable intensification – to get more from less – and has been doing so successfully in commercial environments since 2016

Patented hydroponic growing system for salads, leafy vegetables, herbs and strawberries
High density: 19 to 64 plants / m2
Modular, flexible, robust and adaptable
Easy to set-up and use
Precision root-zone management
Maximises efficiency of natural light
Consistent and cost-effective

The most cost-competitive producer wins

Saturn’s unique approach to technology enables high quality produce to be grown profitably for the farmer and affordably for the customer.

Saturn is a pioneer in hydroponic science & technology

We’re a multi-award winning company with an unparalleled understanding of the key requirements to succeed in the transition to a soil-less future for commercial crop production

Years of research & trials
Years of commercial crop production
Climate zones
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Saturn’s philosophy is fundamentally different to competitors and rooted in a commitment to making food both sustainable and affordable

Saturn uses deep science and technology to adapt the plant to the environment in optimising performance for minimal cost and resource input
